Rebuilding ME – done

Before I hit save on this entry, I will delete the only file standing in the way of the new version of the site going totally live. I would have done it hours ago, but I had to get out the door in time to go see The Lord of the Rings – The Two Towers, which I have just come from so recently ago that my ears have not yet warmed up from the bike ride home. Everything is in place. Everything that rebuilt the old version of the site is now disabled (as far as I know), and actually, I’ve got it set up now that when this entry is saved, the new version will appear automatically in place of the old. I hadn’t realized I’d coded that bit in before now. How clever of me.

So, I suppose that means it took me one hundred and twenty six to redesign and rebuild the site, including every hour I spent away from my computer sleeping or eating or watching movies or shopping or whatever. Probably quite a lot less in actual working hours. Less than a week of actual hours by one and three quarters days. One work week then, shall we say? Not bad. And look at it! I like it a LOT more than the old version in a lot of design-oriented ways.

I still haven’t tested it in PC-based browsers, so your feedback is still welcome, and expected, in case of errors. The whole point of this was to get rid of errors on comments and slowdowns in other areas. I admit that some of the main archive pages load a little slow (especially the blogs page, which loads the full archives of all four of our blogs and the last twenty entries among all four), but individual entry pages should load faster, and be more compatible with older versions of browsers, and are not simpler than possible, making them easier to use. If anything is too slow, please email me or make a comment about it.

Thank you, and good night.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

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