Today in Drawing class I got some sketches done and improved a little on some ideas I had that Marc might like better than the one I’m probably going to do, but some other things happened, too. Marc was going around the class giving people feedback (he upset at least two other students as much as he upset me), and he got to my setup and asked if I wanted to talk about where I’d been going with the sketches, I simply told him I wasn’t going to talk to him. That I would turn in the portfolio, but I wasn’t going to talk to him again. He said that would be okay, but asked me why, so I told him I don’t like him.
Ooh, and that’s not all! At the end of the class, it was time for teacher evaluations! If he had given them to us a week or two ago, I might not have been as harsh in my “extra comments” section, though I would surely have been just as brutal in the fill-in-the-bubbles section. I have never used the word “jackass” in a teacher evaluation before today, or had to mention that the teacher told me outright that I would be better off mowing lawns than creating art. They say it’s anonymous, but if he gets to see my comments, he’ll probably know it was from me. The other students who don’t like him don’t seem as honest or open about it, and will probably just keep quiet.
Still, mathematically, if Marc gives me a ZERO on my final, I’ll still pass the class, and will likely still get a B, depending on how he decides to grade the other compnents of my second portfolio. Presumably for turning something in that meets the requirements of the assignment, I couldn’t get less than a C on the final, guaranteeing a B. If he’d not a total fucking moron and grades it fairly, I’ll get even better. I didn’t say I couldn’t draw, just that I don’t care to.
You dont give your drawing enough credit teel.. that charcoal was photo quality.. it was really reallly reaaaallllllllllly good.
You dont give your drawing enough credit teel.. that charcoal was photo quality.. it was really reallly reaaaallllllllllly good.