October statistics

I meant to post this before going out tonight, but .. well… didn’t.

I wanted to thank and congratulate everybody on making October a record month for site traffic! We had 4,106 unique visitors to Modern Evil sites in October, with not less than 100 visitors on any given day! That’s amazing! Site traffic is growing fast, just look at this graph:

Stats - 2002

Amazing growth, everyone! I hope you all love the site and just keep coming back. I don’t know exactly how much I’ll be posting in November, what with trying to write a novel and all, but probably quite a bit. Since every time I want to put off writing a novel, i can come post about it. Most of the traffic seems to come from search engines though, so as long as google thinks we’re cool, people will keep finding us. Hooray, google!

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

4 thoughts on “October statistics”

  1. I would love to get to the point where the daily visitors to Modern Evil is more than we got in the month of January before the end of the year. That would just be great. And not too hard, considering we’re getting close to 200 visitors most weekdays now. We may even be able to beat February and March’s numbers on a daily basis by the end of December at this rate! What a year!

  2. I would love to get to the point where the daily visitors to Modern Evil is more than we got in the month of January before the end of the year. That would just be great. And not too hard, considering we’re getting close to 200 visitors most weekdays now. We may even be able to beat February and March’s numbers on a daily basis by the end of December at this rate! What a year!

  3. When I was posting new stuff almost every day to darwinscomplex.com I was getting about 20 unique visitors and 100 page views each weekday. Now that I am posting fairly sporadically, I am getting… 20 unique visitors and 100 page views each weekday. Weekdays are also pretty stable, whereas weekends are totally unpredictable. Many of the best and worst days the site has had have been Sundays.

    Anyway, congrats on the stats. Hopefully as the weather gets colder people will be even more inclined to stay indoors and surf the web.

  4. When I was posting new stuff almost every day to darwinscomplex.com I was getting about 20 unique visitors and 100 page views each weekday. Now that I am posting fairly sporadically, I am getting… 20 unique visitors and 100 page views each weekday. Weekdays are also pretty stable, whereas weekends are totally unpredictable. Many of the best and worst days the site has had have been Sundays.

    Anyway, congrats on the stats. Hopefully as the weather gets colder people will be even more inclined to stay indoors and surf the web.

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