Job interview

Okay, so I’ve been applying online to plenty of jobs. I still haven’t heard back from ASU, but they’re a gov’t agency, so I would understand if they were ridiculously slow. That job would pay almost $4k/yr less than I need to stay above water, but would cover most of my tuition costs, reducing my overall living expenses.

Another job I emailed my resume to try to get garnered an almost immediate response, and I was scheduled this morning to interview. From 8 to 10:30 this morning I was there filling out applications and forms with information that was already on my resume, then taking a series of short tests re: vocabulary, analogies, reading comprehension, arithmetic, and logic, then a brief personality test. The personality test I answered honestly (and they didn’t call the cops, so must not have had the right questions on it), and of the five other tests, I did great on all of them but the arithmetic test. Somehow when asked to answer 5 questions in five minutes without the use of a calculator, I started thinking about the first question and when I realized I started with a wrong value, 3.5 minutes had already passed. I have no idea how that happened. Then I got the first one solved correctly and before I could answer the second the time ran out. It was like they put together the first three questions (I didn’t even see the other two) to address my specific weakness at dealing with percents of percents of fractions of strange numbers in my head. Had I a calculator, I would have had the answers in less time than it took to read the questions. So after I finished the tests, i spent something close to 40 minutes waiting in one place or another to be interviewed. No problem, I’m patient. So first I talk to the HR person, who advises me that I’ve done better on all sections of the test than most people, including math, and have surpisingly high scores, which prevents most people from getting to the interview at all. Okay, fine. A brief interview with some stock questions followed, then she went to find a supervisor (10 minutes), who offered me the job, told me to go take a drug test w/in 48 hours, and then, at the end of my third hour there, despite my minimum required wage being clearly listed in my application, offrered me almost $7k less/year than I need to stay above water. I let him know that that wasn’t enough money, and he said he’d talk to HR about getting me more, if I pass the drug test.

Of course, if I refuse to take the job, I would have to tell Unemployment about it, and then they’d want to not pay me to not have a job. If I do take the job then I’ll just keep looking for other jobs, and may end up switching jobs after only a couple of weeks, which would look awful on a resume. I think I’ll go take the drug test tomorrow morning, then if they don’t offer me enough money, ask to be in the training starting December 2 instead of November 18, so I have another couple of weeks to try to find something that pays enough. What do you think I should do?

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

16 thoughts on “Job interview”

  1. I think that’s a kind of generally good advice in general. Not to give out the URL of my blog at all. It’s pretty offensive to “normal” people.

  2. I think that’s a kind of generally good advice in general. Not to give out the URL of my blog at all. It’s pretty offensive to “normal” people.

  3. Double check with Patti on the rules of unemployment. I am sure that you have read all of the rules, but I think that you do not have to take a job that is considerably under your previous wage to satisfy unemployment.
    (Worst case scenario you could take the job and see if you could move up quickly, or like you said wait as long as you can before you actually start and keep looking.)

  4. Double check with Patti on the rules of unemployment. I am sure that you have read all of the rules, but I think that you do not have to take a job that is considerably under your previous wage to satisfy unemployment.
    (Worst case scenario you could take the job and see if you could move up quickly, or like you said wait as long as you can before you actually start and keep looking.)

  5. That “stay above water” line is already with the cut-back expenses. If I only pay rent, utilities, and minimum debt payments and only eat PB&J and generic cereal and hot dogs, and stop going to the movies, I still need $7k more/year. So, yeah. Get a second job. Which may be what I have to do. At this rate it will probably be fast food, since so few companies are hiring. Hooray! Who doesn’t want to go from working one technical job to two jobs that require no skill at all & earn less money combined? (Me.)

  6. That “stay above water” line is already with the cut-back expenses. If I only pay rent, utilities, and minimum debt payments and only eat PB&J and generic cereal and hot dogs, and stop going to the movies, I still need $7k more/year. So, yeah. Get a second job. Which may be what I have to do. At this rate it will probably be fast food, since so few companies are hiring. Hooray! Who doesn’t want to go from working one technical job to two jobs that require no skill at all & earn less money combined? (Me.)

  7. If you are going to get something as little-paying as fast food, ya might as well get a job working for a theater. That way you can get in to movies free right?

    Alternatively, a job in a restaurant would likely provide free food to supplement your food budget.

    Or you could get a job with Eddie Bauer and get 30% off all your clothes.

    Or you could get a job in the Phoenix Zoo and get discounts on all your giraffes. Thus supplementing your… giraffe… budget.

  8. If you are going to get something as little-paying as fast food, ya might as well get a job working for a theater. That way you can get in to movies free right?

    Alternatively, a job in a restaurant would likely provide free food to supplement your food budget.

    Or you could get a job with Eddie Bauer and get 30% off all your clothes.

    Or you could get a job in the Phoenix Zoo and get discounts on all your giraffes. Thus supplementing your… giraffe… budget.

  9. Well, I had been planning on cutting giraffes out of my budget for the time being, but now that you mention it, the Phoenix Zoo is only a couple of miles away! That sure would help put my quality of life back on the fast track, to have free access to the giraffes.

    Actually, if I do end up taking a minimum-wage job, I’d definitely see about working at Centerpoint. They’ve been trying to hire me for like, 5 years, and I already spend more time there than some employees and know how to do just about everything they do.

    Interestingly, on the day I got my first job (Prints Plus @ PV Mall, $4.85/hr) I was actually at the mall interviewing for a job at Harkins (for the then-minimum wage of $4.25/hr). When Harkins offered me the job the next day, I already had a better-paying one, and refused, and I’ve been refusing since for the same reason. Now I find I don’t have a better paying job… sigh.

  10. Well, I had been planning on cutting giraffes out of my budget for the time being, but now that you mention it, the Phoenix Zoo is only a couple of miles away! That sure would help put my quality of life back on the fast track, to have free access to the giraffes.

    Actually, if I do end up taking a minimum-wage job, I’d definitely see about working at Centerpoint. They’ve been trying to hire me for like, 5 years, and I already spend more time there than some employees and know how to do just about everything they do.

    Interestingly, on the day I got my first job (Prints Plus @ PV Mall, $4.85/hr) I was actually at the mall interviewing for a job at Harkins (for the then-minimum wage of $4.25/hr). When Harkins offered me the job the next day, I already had a better-paying one, and refused, and I’ve been refusing since for the same reason. Now I find I don’t have a better paying job… sigh.

  11. The best jobs to have while in an interm are jobs that lower your expenses. So, working a theater and a resturant covers food and entertainment for you. Then you just need enough to scrape by on rent and minimum payments. Considered e-baying some of your old stuff to help costs? Ebay your laptop to pay for your imac etc…

  12. The best jobs to have while in an interm are jobs that lower your expenses. So, working a theater and a resturant covers food and entertainment for you. Then you just need enough to scrape by on rent and minimum payments. Considered e-baying some of your old stuff to help costs? Ebay your laptop to pay for your imac etc…

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