A little sick and tired

Just a little. A little sore throat from a little sinus drain and a little tired at 7AM from being up since 2 or 3 in the afternoon yesterday. I haven’t quite got the hang of how long I should be awake with this nocturnal thing. When I woke up at 5 or 6 in the morning, I knew that 11 or 12 at night was as late as I could stay awake, but … does that mean I can stay up until 8 or 10AM if I don’t wake up until 2 or 4PM? Or… Well, I should probably be getting more sleep since I don’t really have much in the way of responsibilities that would keep me from sleep…

Tomorrow I’m going to the 6:50 showing of Training Wheels with the intention of meeting the crew afterwards; apparently they made this whole movie right here in downtown Tempe. So, wanting to someday be making independent films of my own, perhaps in Tempe, this is a good opportunity not just to see what can be done, but to talk to the people who did it about how they got everything together.

My new novel is already coming along better than the first one I was doing. I only got to about 4,800 words on the first one, but I’m already at 5,600 words on the one I started yesterday morning around 3AM. I hope to get through another 10-15,000 words this long weekend, though I just got a great idea for the 2D Design project I couldn’t think of anything, and I don’t know how long it will take to do it. I’ll work it out.

I’m going to bed. Maybe I’ll see if I can find some orange juice tomorrow. I hear rumor it’s the worst thing to take for a sore throat.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.