So I have a couple of minor things to ponder as I go to bed in a few minutes… well, one isn’t so minor, but … I’ve been pondering it for over a week now, so…
Anyway, there are not less than 6 movies opening tomorrow, 5 of which I would like to see. Except that even at $6 a pop (Student admission plus $1 soda refill) that’s $30, and I don’t have a job. I have what amounts to regular pay from Realink through mid-November due to the normal delay on all paychecks, paid vacation time, and a severance offer I accepted (but am legally prevented from discussing), so can theoretically afford to go see 5 movies as normal, so long as I get a job that pays at least (now what did I say last?) $13+/hour by about the end of the month, I’ll be fine.
Except I’m so intimidated by job listings for tech jobs that I’ll likely end up taking the job Marie thinks I should over at … wherever it is she works. The base rate is half what I need, but theoretically I can make up the difference with commissions. Except that the idea of depending on the spending habits of insomniacs in an “economic downturn” seems almost s stressful as not having a job at all.
So here are my late-night (actually all week, and probably until I end up getting a job) ponderings: Do I go see the movies I want to see, and do I take the job over at wherever?
P.S. (to Zoe): It looks to me like DHL has already staffed their call center, and that it was non-technical, but I’m going to see if I can’t still apply anyway.
I want you to do what’s best for you. Seems like that’s what I always want for you, and what you are least likely to understand.
I want you to do what’s best for you. Seems like that’s what I always want for you, and what you are least likely to understand.
If you havent seen the transporter yet, and can wait a week, I’ll pay for it.
If you havent seen the transporter yet, and can wait a week, I’ll pay for it.