Rest for my own weary bones

Everything is going so slowly. I am so tired right now. I tried to make a big post about everything that’s going on yesterday, but my fumbling fingers and my browser conspired against me and ate it right before I finished. I got woke up at 3:30 yesterday morning and didn’t get to sleep until 11:30 last night. I was awakened by the death of my mother. I was kept awake by homework. I’d love to be able to take a nap this afternoon between work and class, but I guess I’ve got to go sign some paperwork this afternoon, so depending on how long that all takes, I might be pretty ragged when I get to class tonight.

I just want to get back into bed right now. I just want to curl up under a warm blanket and sleep. Ran a few minutes late to work this morning because I didn’t want to get out of bed. Which for me is pretty bad, and starting Thursday for a couple of weeks will be totally unacceptable. Right now we’re short-staffed at work, which is part of why I’ve been working at all, and from Thursday the 20th through the 4th of July, I get to cover for the person who opens up the building and has to be ready to take calls at 5AM. A little over an hour earlier than normal, for just two weeks. Incidentally, the last week and a half of my night class. I am not looking forward to the exhaustion sure to entrench me in the next couple of weeks. I wonder how early I will collapse into sleep.

I’m going to go try to sleep and take calls at the same time right now; see how good at this I’ve gotten. Probably post more later.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.