Save Zim!

I don’t actually believe that it will do much good, but it’s nice to feel like you’ve done your part. Invader Zim has been cancelled by Nickelodeon. Click this link to sign a petition requesting that it be continued. I did.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

10 thoughts on “Save Zim!”

  1. Well.. I signed the petition… but on the other hand, at least the episodes will be all collectible on one DVD, and Jhonen might have time to work on, oh, a comic or two now.


  2. Well.. I signed the petition… but on the other hand, at least the episodes will be all collectible on one DVD, and Jhonen might have time to work on, oh, a comic or two now.


  3. Right. I secretly hope that they don’t bring it back, so I can finally look forward to reading something new in print. Maybe a whole new comic book, with new characters and stories and everything! Woo hoo!

    Also, if they just … cancelled it, they prolly won’t make a DVD.

  4. Right. I secretly hope that they don’t bring it back, so I can finally look forward to reading something new in print. Maybe a whole new comic book, with new characters and stories and everything! Woo hoo!

    Also, if they just … cancelled it, they prolly won’t make a DVD.

  5. That was the only reason to watch nikalodian…

    Sigh… Misfits of Science De Ja Vois…

  6. did you consider the fact that jhonen doesnt want to do any more zim?
    that he would rather be shot in the head that work on zim?

    “sign the petition to force jhonen to make cartoons against his will”?

  7. did you consider the fact that jhonen doesnt want to do any more zim?
    that he would rather be shot in the head that work on zim?

    “sign the petition to force jhonen to make cartoons against his will”?

  8. Man, when we put this up over a year ago, Jhonen still wanted to make Zim. It was the things that happened between then and about 6 months later that changed his mind. Silly person.

    Also, if you look at the other comments, we mostly agree that we don’t really want him to do Zim, either. bah.

    Also, Babies ate my dingo!

  9. Man, when we put this up over a year ago, Jhonen still wanted to make Zim. It was the things that happened between then and about 6 months later that changed his mind. Silly person.

    Also, if you look at the other comments, we mostly agree that we don’t really want him to do Zim, either. bah.

    Also, Babies ate my dingo!

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