I’m thinking of having another little get together. Since I know who the 12 people who know where I live are, I feel confident that I can put an invite on my site and no one I don’t want to attend will be able to. Plus, everyone I do want to attend will see the invite. Ah, a small circle of friends and family who all care enough to check my website regularly.
Well, you’re all welcome to join me at my home for a little friendly game-playing, Saturday Feb. 2nd, 2002. Hey. I just noticed that that’s 02/02/2002. Neat. Anyway, the time will be from around 6 until . . . I don’t know. Last time we finished playing around 9, but since this is a Saturday night some of you may be able to stay later or want to go out afterwards. Maybe we could plan on going down to Have a Nice Day Cafe or something. I encourage everyone to bring a dessert, though if you’re having trouble coming up with something at the last minute I’m sure everyone would understand.
Last time was a lot of fun, and I hope we can all have a good time this Groundhog day, too. If you weren’t at the last one and you’d like to join us, just give me a call or email me or leave a comment here, and we’ll make space for you. Actually, everyone should RSVP, so I can try to figure out how to seat everyone. I may have to set up two different game rooms if too many people show up.
I got a couple of new games, Monopoly and Clue, in addition to Cranium, Scrabble, and Lunch Money. If you have another party game you’d like to play, like Apples to Apples or Outburst, go ahead and bring it along.
So, I think that’s about it. I suppose if you don’t know where I live and would like to attend you can contact me and we’ll see if I want to work something out. Otherwise, it’s a Dessert/Game Night with a little of “Look at the crazy new iMac” thrown in for good measure, Groundhog Day, 2002. Yep.
I have penciled you in, count amy and myself :>
I have penciled you in, count amy and myself :>
I would like to go, that sounds like fun. Probably just me, (Warren will have to stay home and babysit). Please email me with your address, as I have never been to your house.
I would like to go, that sounds like fun. Probably just me, (Warren will have to stay home and babysit). Please email me with your address, as I have never been to your house.