Tech Support for Real Estate Appraisers

If there was some way for these calls to be more torture, this whole experience might cross the line and become pleasurable, but a dull, throbbing ache does not a masochist make happy.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

4 thoughts on “Tech Support for Real Estate Appraisers”

  1. No, this message was not posted at one, something. It was there at six am. I am quite certain of it.

  2. No, this message was not posted at one, something. It was there at six am. I am quite certain of it.

  3. You are incorrect. Although I have the ability to change the date/time stamp, I basically only do that for posts like Saturday’s, where I wrote it at a time/place where I did not have internet access. Silly girl.

  4. You are incorrect. Although I have the ability to change the date/time stamp, I basically only do that for posts like Saturday’s, where I wrote it at a time/place where I did not have internet access. Silly girl.

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