The proof is in the pudding.

I thought that this was an interesting thing, and short enough that you would read the entire thing. I think they’re making a statement about our relationship with God. That He wants us to independently decide to do things His way. That He will let us ignore him for a time. I like the way the writer’s style forces the reader to independently come to the conclusions that were intended in the first place.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

6 thoughts on “The proof is in the pudding.”

  1. I fail to understand the connection to what I said. It’s like I said “I like Pie” and you replied “Jews don’t like Hitler.”

    Yes, the Jews have 613 mitzvot, and some of them relate to war. Okay. What is the connection between that and my statement/link about our relationship with god being like our relationship with our parents?

  2. I fail to understand the connection to what I said. It’s like I said “I like Pie” and you replied “Jews don’t like Hitler.”

    Yes, the Jews have 613 mitzvot, and some of them relate to war. Okay. What is the connection between that and my statement/link about our relationship with god being like our relationship with our parents?

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