Judaism and me

Sometimes I wish I were Jewish.

Even just a little. It’s a genetically predetermined religion, and as far as I know I am not even a little bit Jewish.

The only thing that has ever motivated me to even consider my genealogy is the (hope?) idea that maybe I’m a descendant of King David. Yet my doubts always seem to prevent me from searching for something that (probably) isn’t there.

When I was a little boy, I didn’t want to be a fireman or a policeman when I grew up. I knew I could be superman, but how realistic is that? What I remember wanting to be (maybe not from a very young age, but certainly as a child) was a rabbi. I still do, sort-of. The more I learn about Judaism, the more I feel like it fits. I took an interesting test recently, and it said my beliefs were something like 96% compatible with Reform Judaism. Silly genetics.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

4 thoughts on “Judaism and me”

  1. Research your ancestors. If your mother, grandma, ggma etc. was Jewish, so are you. If you are a member of the Lemba tribe, you would be Jewish along the male line and might be descended from Aaron. There was a tribe of Peruvian Indians that converted to Judaism and were eventually airlifted to Israel. Failing that remeber the ancient biblical poem:

    Roses are reddish,
    violets are bluish
    If it wasn’t for Christmas
    We’d all be Jewish.


  2. Research your ancestors. If your mother, grandma, ggma etc. was Jewish, so are you. If you are a member of the Lemba tribe, you would be Jewish along the male line and might be descended from Aaron. There was a tribe of Peruvian Indians that converted to Judaism and were eventually airlifted to Israel. Failing that remeber the ancient biblical poem:

    Roses are reddish,
    violets are bluish
    If it wasn’t for Christmas
    We’d all be Jewish.


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