Novel Update –

Another update over in the forums.

My wrists are too tired to type up the url.

Just click “forums” to the left.

I’m at 54 pages and going strong. Still somehow on track to finish on time. The second part of the book is now 25 pages long, and looks like it may go on another 25 without any difficulty. Maybe another 46. Then I’d be at 100 pages.

Actually, I’d planned on being on the fourth part of the book by around the 100th page. Maybe the second section will come in at 60 pages, and the third will be a short one. I haven’t quite nailed that bit down yet. Maybe something about a documentary, or maybe something about the happy monkeys, or maybe something I haven’t thought of yet.

I read recently that the first finished NaNoWriMo Novel for 2001 quoted The Lovesong of J. Alfred Prufrock and The Rime of the Ancient Mariner in their entireties. Maybe I should look into quoting something long. Like The Lord of the Rings.

Novel update –

Nothing. I keep writing nothing. Getting no pages done. This afternoon I came home from work and .. I don’t even remember if I looked at my mail at first, but I decided to lay down for a short nap. I set an alarm to wake me up after 30 minutes, and two and a half hours later, my phone rang; Angela couldn’t get in the front door because I’d locked the deadbolt. The three hours I’d thought I could get some writing done in, I slept through. Then I had to choose between two shows; normally I’d watch one and tape the other, but I didn’t want to miss Dinotopia, so was already taping that. A little more TV. Then grocery shopping, now sleep. No writing. Except this.

That comic I posted earlier? I actually wrote a week’s worth of comics while I was watching Sunday night TV. Multi-tasking. Except I can’t seem to type or even really concentrate on coming up with ideas for the novel while I watch TV. So, you may see some more comics as I continue to watch TV and continue to feel bad about lost productivity while watching TV. Tomorrow, at least a few pages. I’m sure of it.

I hope.

Novel update –

Well, I got about 7 more pages done today, so I’m at about 22 pages, but that still puts me pretty far behind where I “should be”, if I were spreading my writing out evenly over every day in the month. I really need to be able to sit down for MORE than just a couple of hours at a time to make any progress on this. I keep watching TV, though. Or sleeping. Last night I was so tired I wrote about 1/2 a page and went to sleep around 5. (I’m a little extra tired a little extra early this week because I have to arrive at work an hour early M-Th this week. That’s right, I have to be at work and on the phone at 5AM. Hooray!) So I just crashed last night & didn’t get ANY work done.

The text, when I am sitting at the typewriter, not distracted by the rest of the world, seems to be flowing out of me pretty easily though, which is good. And it doesn’t seem too much like the “Crap” that has stopped some other people from writing altogether, so hopefully when I get through this month I’ll have something entertaining to share. So far, it’s very post-modern. I think I’ll like it. I can’t really say whether or not you will. We’ll see.