Art Sale Reminder – last chance?

This is just a quick reminder that all the art I still have available is “on sale” – name your own price, no reasonable offer refused. You can see most of it at, and a few other pieces in a blog post I did, earlier this year. This post is also a warning.

Among other projects I’ve got lined up, one of the things I’ll be doing in the next few weeks is taking all (or nearly all) the art off my walls and putting it into storage. That’s everything left which hasn’t sold. (With one or two possible exceptions.) I’m going to do a little bit to keep them from being damaged (I bought some cheap plastic sheeting to wrap the art in), but then they’re basically going into nearly-outdoors storage. I’ll probably have to split them between a room that is more-protected from the rain, but not really climate-controlled, and an old, rusty, somewhat leaky shed which will subject them to extremes of heat, cold, humidity and aridity. I don’t have a better option for them, except your homes.

That is: If you don’t buy them now, they may not survive. This may be your last chance to own these pieces.

On one hand, I don’t want to simply paint over them (with one or two exceptions), or to throw them away. On the other, I want them out of my sight.

Getting them on the walls of people who want them there was my initial goal, but casting them aside is the next step, and it is approaching rapidly. If you have any interest, at all, in any of these pieces, please: Let me know. We’ll work something out.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

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