My new collection of science fiction short stories and essays, Time, emiT, and Time Again, is now available in paperback and as an eBook. I’ve also begun releasing the short stories as individual eBooks; I’m planning to put them out gradually over the month of July (partially to keep them on ‘new eBook’ lists a bit longer), though I’m keeping the essays for people who buy the entire book. Quick links for where to buy:
- Buy the paperback at
- Buy the paperback at
- Buy the paperback at
- Buy the eBook from Smashwords
- Buy the eBook for your kindle
I’m already working on the audiobook version; if you subscribe to the Modern Evil Podcast, you’ve already heard some of it. It should begin running on in August, after More Lost Memories is complete there. Actually, I’ve already recorded the entire book, but still need to do most of the audio-editing… and I need to work on the music a while longer. I’m not happy with my first few attempts to compose the intro/outro music for the audiobook. Definitely not doing book-length bed music for it, but I’m a bit blocked on coming up with a melody/sound which encapsulates the entire collection.
I’m pretty happy with the finished book. After reading and re-reading the book over and over again in the last few weeks, it feels pretty solid. In case you’re wondering: I read each story aloud as soon as it’s written, for any immediate/obvious edits. About half the stories in this book were written a couple of years ago, so -while they’d already received quite a bit of editing- I re-read them recently, as well. Then when I’d written the first nine stories & essays, I re-read the entire book (aloud, again) before sending it to my Beta Readers. (Then I wrote the final story, Buying Time.) Then after I’d got the final feedback from my Beta Readers, after preparing the book for print, I printed out a proof and read that aloud (Finding even more errors!) before sending it to Lightning Source (my printer). Then I read it aloud again to record the entire audiobook.
The order of the stories and essays feels good. The balance between them is strong. There’s a wide variety of characters, time manipulations, and relationships. I’d have liked to have had more/longer essays, but that’s more a personal preference than that the book doesn’t work as-is; the essays currently in the book work well as brief interstitials between the stories, like a mental palate-cleansing. I’m happy with it, overall, and I think readers will be, too.