I don’t yet have final numbers from Amazon re: kindle eBook sales, but as of yesterday afternoon (ie: a few hours from the end of the month) I had sold two copies of Cheating, Death for a net of ~$3.50 (ignoring that someone bought & returned a copy of the Lost and Not Found eBook – how/why do you return an eBook? Seriously?). No sales via Smashwords (though apparently it can take several months to get numbers from sales through their distribution channels (ie: B&N, Sony, Kobo, Apple), so I may have made sales in the last several months of which I am unaware), no wholesale paperback sales. Sold 1 paperback copy of Dragons’ Truth directly (via modernevil.com) yesterday, for $12.99. Sold no art. Total income from sales for the period was thus $16.49 (on a cash basis).
Here are the eBook and Podiobook download numbers (including above eBooks estimates), as usual giving the total of eBook downloads, the total of Podiobook downloads, and the more-accurate (re: # of people who dl’d a full book) total downloads of the final episodes of each Podiobook, as: eBook/total-PB/final-PB
- Lost and Not Found: 81 / 1488 / 71
- Dragons’ Truth: 90 / 1149 / 111
- Forget What You Can’t Remember: 96 / 3029 / 90
- Untrue Tales… Book One: 69 / 3961 / 354
- Untrue Tales… Book Two: 60 / 4241 / 327
- Untrue Tales… Book Three: 70 / 2320 / 214
- Cheating, Death: 2 / 4042 / 304
- Lost and Not Found – Director’s Cut: 0 / 806 / 97
- Total for all titles: 468 / 20,230 / 1471
- Total YTD: 2020 / 92,401 / 6580
- Total all-time: 10,442 / 272,502 / 17,699
Starting late in the month, I put a code to download Cheating, Death for free from Smashwords on its eBook page at modernevil.com – for my other books, I’ve downloaded or created the various free versions of the eBook and put them right on the page, which is where the above download numbers come from; this is an experiment to see if people will go through the extra couple of steps to get the book from Smashwords for free. So far: no. None. Maybe next month. LaNF:DC eBook is still pay-only.
Of note: My poetry collections & short story collections aren't (yet) available as Podiobooks. Many of the individual poems and stories from them have run on the Modern Evil Podcast. I am working toward getting the rest of them recorded & getting them online as complete books within the next few months. My short story collection More Lost Memories is available as a complete eBook and 7 of its 9 stories are available as individual eBooks, as is one individual story from my upcoming collection Time, emiT, and Time Again – none are available for free (at this time). These titles are not listed in the above post because there were no purchases (that I am aware of at this time) of those titles in April. I will list them if/when they are purchased/downloaded.