Silly new comments options

I’ve spent some time working on this, today, some of which means that future upgrades of the two plugins involved will be a little harder (I had to go in and manually change the code in order to get dates to display correctly) but the result is that now comments from both Twitter and FriendFeed are added to the comments on my blog posts. So, if you link to the blog post on Twitter or comment on the blog when it gets posted to friendfeed (or if you want your comment to go to friendfeed from the blog), it all shows up nicely in the comments area of the post.

You know, so that that conversation no one is having about my blog posts all gets combined and returned to the blog post it’s about.  Well, except for livejournal comments.  I cross-post most of my stuff to LJ, and sometimes people comment there, but as far as I know there’s no way to get those comments to come over here, too.  I’ll look into it.  But except for that, now conversations on this blog, on Twitter, and on friendfeed related to my posts are all integrated here.  You can see what it might, theoretically look like, where I was testing it and getting it set up, on my last post.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

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