blogcomic 153.0 A.C.

blogcomic - 153.0

So, okay… you can see the difference in quality level that I’m getting out of my laptop just with this comic. I’m using my 4″x5″ graphire tablet (because it’s small enough to be portable) and Photoshop 5.5 (I normally use 7, but I only have that on my iMac, not my Powerbook). And features I’m so used to between the way the software interfaces with the tablet, to the resolution of the tablet, to the more advanced brush tool in PS7, plus my laptop’s slower processor make for a ‘rougher’ comic.

See, the look on my primitive face was supposed to represent me nearly nauseous, but after a couple dozen tries I just gave up and went with … well, whatever that is. The last few times we’ve come down (or gone back up) I had novels to read for MEVBC (reminder: the meeting for MEVBC re: The Catcher in the Rye will be on the first!) that held my attention completely. I expect that that’s what worked for me; having my attention completely off my body and on the story. Today … well, I’ve already read Red Mars and The Catcher in the Rye, plus Green Mars, and we don’t have another book on the list. So I grabbed the Legends of the Ferengi and Asimov’s Robot Visions, but … one is broken into a discrete story per rule and the other is an anthology of short stories… and I didn’t get ‘drawn in’ and kept having mini bouts of near-nausea. Oh well.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.