I know I ought to be investing my time that weekend into writing my novel; that will be the last weekend I have to work on it, you know, but I have decided to make a plan for a few hours on Memorial Day weekend (1-3 of 5.1.0) and again in the last weekend of June (1-2 of 6.2.0) for coordinated debauchery.
Get ready for the
That is, I am going to have a Purity Test party and a followup Purity Test party, with a challenge to see who can drop the most points from their Purity Test score. With 7 weeks (just over a month), everyone should be able to drop at least a few points. Married couples will be allowed to be considered teams, their scores added together and divided by two at each party. We will be using the same 500 question, Universal Omnisexual v4.0 Purity Test at both parties (this test is the same one used at puritytest.org, and has been my favorite for nearly a decade).
I have not set a time and date in stone, but I tend to go with the suggestion of whoever contacts me first, so if you’ve already got plans for one or both of those weekends and you’d like to attend when you’re free, email me now and let me know when the parties should be (ie: Friday, Saturday, Sunday, or Monday. Morning, Noon, Night, or Late-Night). When I have more specific plans or updates, I will post them here with the above banner.
Oh yeah, and there will be prizes. I’m not sure what the prizes will be, but I do live just a couple blocks from a Fascinations I’m pretty familiar with, and it is a Purity Test challenge, so you probably get the idea.
This post is sort of a general invite, but I’m going to need everyone to RSVP (or at least express their interest in attending to me) so I can be sure everything comes together properly. Call me (if you’re not too retarded to remember my phone number) or email me, or if you see me in person, just let me know you want to come. I will be contacting people I think will be interested directly, but most of them read this site anyway, so this should cover most of them before I get to them.