For those of you who are curious, I have created two .pdf files with my calendar for this year and for next year. Since this year is one year before The Fall, I refer to it as -1, and next year as 0. Don’t bother asking about that. I have been counting down to Zero since -8, and I have not told anyone what exactly I’m counting down to yet; you won’t be the first to wonder, and you won’t be the first to know. Other questions are welcome, though. Also, as you will see when you look at the calendar, I have not got names for my days, weeks, or months. So, they are referred to by numbers for now (thus, today is 5.4, tomorrow is 1.5, and so on).
I am looking for suggestions for names. Then instead of only being able to say I have 2.6 off, I could say I have after next off. Or off. So, we’re looking for short names. Day names don’t necessarily need to have the word “day” in them, and the same goes for week names. No naming months after Ceasars. Otherwise, have at it – make your mark on the future by naming it now.
Sept 21, ?
It’s weird how you continued the conversation you were having in a totally different place. SIlly monkey.
It’s weird how you continued the conversation you were having in a totally different place. SIlly monkey.