Sleep is good for you

It was the weirdest thing. I came home last night after work, and no one called up to invite me out and no one called up and asked to come over and no one showed up without calling (that I know of) and nothing was on TV, and I fell asleep a little after 6PM and (except for a strange moment when Iain called up, presumably to ask me to go see a movie with him (I think he figured I was drugged or asleep, cause he didn’t ask), and asked me about trying to use USB in Win2K & how to set up a dual-boot system with Win98 and Win2K instead) slept straight through till morning. I even woke up twenty minutes before my alarm went off. (I didn’t get out of bed until I’d snoozed it twice, but I was just enjoying laying lazily in bed until the last possible minute.)

Not that I don’t want people calling me and wanting to spend time with me. Wednesday night, right around the time Jen showed up to hang out, I was pulling up a calendar to try to get an idea of how busy my social life has been lately. I couldn’t remember what I did last Thursday, but from Saturday the 30th (when I moved in) I have had something to do every night except Thursdays and Fridays. Last Friday I slept, though I had something to do then, too. I slept right through it. That crazy sleep from 5:30PM to 11:00PM thing. I don’t remember if I did something after that, but it may as well have been sleep. It may have been. I may have woken up at eleven to decide to go back to bed.

Anyway, since I moved out, I have experienced almost the inverse of what I was experiencing before that. Instead of doing something at most once, maybe twice, in any week, I seem to be staying in by myself only once or twice a week. Also, I seem to be doing more than one thing on many days. Like this Wednesday; I went to see a movie after work, and normally that would be it until maybe Saturday night if I could tag along with someone going out. Then I was lounging around trying to catch up on my TV shows, and Jen called up and comes over. Definitely a pleasant experience, and two things, especially such “mellow” things, do not a crazy life make, it may seem. But over half of the days on which I did something other than come home and relax or finish unpacking or work on a painting or something, I did two or more things, and it feels like my life is becoming crazy.

Maybe its just a phase. Maybe I’m over-reacting. Maybe I’m getting exactly what I wanted. I remember I was sitting at home alone one Saturday night not too long ago, watching Queer As Folk, and one of the characters, trying to cut costs, said that he might have to go clubbing only 6 days a week instead of 7. I realize that here in Phoenix, many clubs aren’t open 7 days a week, but I was struck by the idea of someone who is abe to (and and continue to enjoy) going out and dancing (and picking up beautiful people) every night of the week. And work a full-time job. And sleep at some point, I assume. I probably thought something to myself like “I wish I could cut back on going out from 7 nights a week to 6, reluctantly.”

So now, all of a sudden, I seem to be able to come up with things to do (or have things to do come up to me) five nights a week. Will it be sustainable? Do I want it to? Like, tonight is Friday night, and it would seem as though that were a prime night to go out and do something, not having to get up for work in the morning and all, but Sci Fi programs to its audience. It knows that the geeks and nerds who watch Sci Fi don’t have anything to do on Friday nights, and it offers them something (great, great programming) to distract them from this. So, since I am very interested in continuing to watch Farscape regularly, and will watch The Invisible Man and The Outer Limits when I can, I am interested in being home tonight to watch these. So, if anyone wants to come over and watch some premium Sci Fi Original programming with me, You’re welcome to join me.

Then again, I also am very interested in watching Reese’s new movie, Legally Blonde, and I almost definitely want to see The Score (with Edward Norton and Robert DeNiro). So, the question becomes; do any of my friends want to see these movies? I almost invariably prefer watching movies with someone else to watching them by myself, but I watch so many more movies than all of my friends combined that I oftten end up alone. So, do I go to a movie tonight? Will I find someone to go with, tonight or any other time? I can go early, and as long as I’m home by 9PM or Midnight, or I can go out late, as long as I leave after 10PM or 1AM. To see a movie, probably after 10PM is the best; if my penny-pinching friends want to go, a midnight movie is then an option. Whatever. I’ll figure something out.

So, everyone: If you really do loike apending time with me, let’s try to keep this crazy life up and running. I’m sure everything will work out fine in the end.

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Author, artist, romantic, insomniac, exorcist, creative visionary, lover, and all-around-crazy-person.

4 thoughts on “Sleep is good for you”

  1. I really do loike apending time with you Teel. So does Ginger. We consider you one of the best examples of a human that we know (ironic, eh?). If Tuesday is okay, lets do the Score then (you inferred it was opening, yes?). Ed Norton looks good and psycho in that. The other movie I want to see that Ginger does not is Pootie Tang, so if you are into a second dose of that, that’d be okay too.

  2. I really do loike apending time with you Teel. So does Ginger. We consider you one of the best examples of a human that we know (ironic, eh?). If Tuesday is okay, lets do the Score then (you inferred it was opening, yes?). Ed Norton looks good and psycho in that. The other movie I want to see that Ginger does not is Pootie Tang, so if you are into a second dose of that, that’d be okay too.

  3. Obviously, I made a typo there. I meant to say “like”, not “loike”. Clearly this all makes more sense now.

  4. Obviously, I made a typo there. I meant to say “like”, not “loike”. Clearly this all makes more sense now.

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